Hi all,

We're testing ARIS 9.6 and have narrowed a reporting problem to a change in the way the ARIS object model works in this version. Please bear with a bit of explanation -- I'd really appreciate your thoughts.


Assume we have an object ‘VARIANT’. Variant has a master ‘MASTER’, but ‘MASTER’ has been removed from the database.

The report needs to remove the relationship between ‘VARIANT’ and the non-existent ‘MASTER’.

This is the code normally used to remove a master/variant relationship:


Because the master is invalid, that method has always failed (even in 7.2).

Previously, there was an good alternative (admittedly, it was a bit of a trick) that could be done with the following two lines of code:


In 9.6, however, this fails with the following error message:

“An error occurred in the report object model. Error running Model.LinkVariant(): possible cycle in variant master relation.”

Would anybody know:

  • An alternative way to unlink a variant from an invalid master, or
  • A way to disable the error when an object is its own master, to allow the previous workaround to work

This impacts an important process for us, so I'd be indebted to anybody who could point us towards a solution!



by Amol Patil
Posted on Tue, 07/22/2014 - 09:32

Hi Tom,

We had the same issue. If you consolidate a Master and Variant without unlinking them first, then it will show you its master as invalid.

To solve this, when you consolidate Master and Variant, please make sure you unlink them first. Secondly for the existing objects who have this issue, please create a new vairant of those, unlink it, and then consolidate them again.

Hope this solves your issue.


Amol Patil

by Tom Purcival Author
Posted on Wed, 07/23/2014 - 01:29

In reply to by Amol

Thanks Amol. In our case it's actually coming from a merge - we merge the variants to a different database where the masters do not exist. But you are correct, we'll have to create new masters for our orphaned variants and then remove the links. I'd still love to find a way to do this without creating a new master, but it's good to know we're not the only ones to be looking for a solution! Thanks for taking the time to respond.


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