We are trying to create a process calendar (essentially a calendar with tasks/functions schedule) in ARIS Business Architect 7.2. Is it possible in this software. If not, is there any other linked software which will enable us to do this?
3 Replies
you can have a look at the model "project schedule" or "EPC (row display)" (maybe also other lane models).
Here you can configure the vertical lane, so that all objects inside are layouted considering certain attributes (e.g. Start or Avg. processing time). I attached two screenshots, but probably there are also help topics as well for this feature.
I hope this is what you are looking for.
Thanks Sascha, this definitely helps. In addition to this, I would like to represent the processes on a calendar (similar to Microsoft Project/Outlook). Is that possible in ARIS?
As far as I know we do not have something like this, at least not in the Business Architect. Perhaps there is a way to export it to a calendar format or to MS project. This could be another question for the community :)