Hello All ,

Referring to the below ARIS Code , i trying to find the specific models from database and moving to another folder on the same database . When iam executing this script on particular group to get these models, this code its providing me the models from all groups . Example : A, B, C and D are groups in my database and trying to execute this code on group A to get specific models . But its taking all these specific models from all these four groups . Actually its should have taken from A group only . Pleaseverify the attached code and do the needful if any changes required to get desired output .

Code updated below

var g_nLoc = 1033;

var g_oOutfile = null;

function main(){
var oCurrentDatabase=ArisData.getActiveDatabase().ActiveFilter();
var oAllICDsOfTheDatabase=new Array();
var searchItem2 = oCurrentDatabase.createSearchItem(Constants.AT_NAME,g_nLoc,"*NGU",Constants.SEARCH_CMP_EQUAL, true, true);
var oAllICDsOfTheDatabase=oCurrentDatabase.Find(Constants.SEARCH_MODEL,null,searchItem2);


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