Hi All ,

Iam trying to search specific models from Groups using below code and the Models iam looking for the models name have the suffix '_NGU' . I would like to fetch these models from group called : B. Processes .

Groups which i had A, B ,C and D in my database , Need to fetch these specific models from all groups .

var oCurrentDatabase=ArisData.getActiveDatabase();
var aModels=new Array();
var arrSelectedGroups = ArisData.getSelectedGroups();
var searchItem2=oCurrentDatabase.SearchModels("B. Processes","*NGU",Constants.SEARCH_OPTION_MATCH_PATTERN);

When iam executing this code , iam getting syntax error Cannot find SearchModels function .

iam struggling to find solution for this ,Can any one help me on this Please .......................

Thanks in Advance .


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