Dear All,
We are currently using ARIS 9.7 for our customer. The find functionality in ARIS 7.x and in 9.x returns 1000 records by default. In 7, there was an option to change the setting under serversetting to customize that value.
I tried searching for the same in 9, but could not locate it. Can anyone please point me in right direction and let me know where the file is available in 9 to change the value of the records returned by FIND functionality.
Does that mean changing the user.cfg according to didn't help you?
Hi Rune,
Actually could not recall where the user.cfg file is in. Was looking for it under server installation. Later one of my ex-colleague pointed me to the right folder...Got it..Changing value in user.cfg worked perfectly fine as in ARIS 7 days..
Thanks for your help as always.