Good morning:
In Aris Architect 9.5, when I try to safeguard a database (export a database as an ".adb") the tool does not give the option to choose the list of changes (baseline) previously created to import it in another database.
Previously, in Aris Architect 7.2, when I do a safeguard of a database to export it on a file ".adb", I can chose a list of changes to import in another database.
How can do this action with Aris Architect 9.5?
Thank you very much.
3 Replies
> How can do this action with Aris Architect 9.5?
Well, currently, you can't. This is something we have on our list. This feature is supposed to come in one of the next service releases.
Hello Frank,
Thank you very much for your help! I was going crazy searching the option.
I have another question and perhaps you can help me again.
We have created a patron (fragment) for our header. In this fragment we have included dynamic text with the attributes of the model.
For these attributes, we have tried to do these actions:- To change the format (font color) to white color of some "String attributes": We can change the font color, but in the tab "Attributes" we can't see the text because appears in white color with the new format.
- To change the format (font color) to white color of some "Combo String attributes" (Values list) and "System attributes" like Creator: We can't do it.
I show you the problem with some screenshots that I attached. This problem is in Aris Architect and Aris Publisher:
- Aris Architect 9.5
- Aris Publisher
- With SyStem Attributes, We can't selected a new font color.
How can I solve these points?
Thank you very much!
- To change the format (font color) to white color of some "String attributes": We can change the font color, but in the tab "Attributes" we can't see the text because appears in white color with the new format.
Hello Frank:
I have found a little solution in this post:
But, I have a problem, I can't see the format that I have created in Administration.
I have using Aris Architect 9.5.When I am designing a model, and I select dynamic text, in the tab Format, in font format, my new font format doesn't appear.
I need to assign the "font format" to an object (Function, for example) in a template to see the "font format".
For example, I have created two "font format":
- company-name
- company-id
And I have assigned the "font formats" to the attributes through a template.
Now, my new "font formats" appear.But, we have a problem with a header that we have created with a fragment (pattern).
Our fragment have dynamic text of our model attributes. Like example: Name of the model, creator, last date, etc...
How can assign the font format created for these attributes, to these attributes?Thank you very much in advance.