Dear ARIS User,

I am thrilled to announce the launch of our latest capability, Gallery, on ARIS Process Mining to be available from tomorrow with our latest April release.

Gallery is a one-stop-shop for users to accelerate their process mining journey and achieve quicker time to value. With this you can save effort, time and eventually costs incurrred and start your process mining journey in a few clicks.

These accelerators are available for numerous processes and contain standard process steps and most commonly measured KPI's to answer the business questions. These are defined per source system and Gallery gives you detailed information on what you need to use each of these accelerators.

For example, if you need an accelerator for a Finance process, you can simply filter the accelerators available for the Finance process and choose one of your liking. With just a few clicks, you can install the accelerator right into your tenant! Yes, right into your tenant! ?. All you need to do now is to just connect to the designed for source system, click on extract, and start measuring the actual. ?

But that's not all!

  1. This is available to each and every user irrespective of the ARIS Process Mining edition you use ?
  2. Accelerator is installable from our mid-tier edition. ?
  3. All Software AG provided accelerators are totally Free ?

With these exciting new developments, you can now stop worrying about what it takes to start measuring your processes

Also, waiting to start measuring your processes is only slowing down your progress. Update now and experience the acceleration. ???

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