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BPM is fun? That's true!

How about an end-to-end process we all run every morning first thing arriving in the office:

Going to the coffee machine and getting a wake-up coffee.

Here's how that process works in my company and how I run it several times a day.

Following the concept of end-to-end processes I named this process Prepare-to-Consume.

What about your "process variants"? How much different is your coffee making process?



by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 10:41

Hehe, really nice idea Rune!



by Parveen Jaswal
Posted on Wed, 08/19/2009 - 09:33

This is undoubtedly GOOD-ONE..!!!

I like your style....specially the way you represent the risks involved..:) :)



by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Thu, 08/27/2009 - 16:21

In reply to by SAMT

Thanks for your comment, Parveen!

If only ARIS Express would let me describe more in detail that process.

In particular, I'd like to add the process' objective in a way where and how to measure the fulfillment of the process goal.

And that's often forgotten in modeling: For whom and for which goal is the process being put in place.

Actually, this modeling exercise here was just a repeated work of what I did already in the professional BPA tool, ARIS Business Architect. There, I had modeled the identical EPC but additionally placed measurement points in the process flow and described in another model type how those inputs to calculate the process performance indicators, which are were the basis to measure how well an objective has been fulfilled. All of that I took from a specific solution scenario described in our ARIS Value Engineering method.

But let's see who the methodology of ARIS Express will be extended in the future to cover such aspects.




Funny thing to mention is, that this end-to-end coffee process Prepare-to-Consume ended up on one of IDS Scheer's giveaways, a real coffee cup:

If you drop by in Saarbruecken I'll get you one of those cups.

by Parveen Jaswal
Posted on Wed, 09/02/2009 - 11:12

This is very interesting.

I really love this...!!

Well Rune, you are apsolutely right that mostly measurement points got neglected, which should not be, in vain. As there names suggest "KPI: Key Performance Indicators", how cm you neglect your performance indicators and that too in recession time :)

Now I got a very good reason to land up @Saarbrucecken, offcourse I need a coffee cup.





by Laura Stancuta
Posted on Wed, 04/24/2013 - 18:05

Nice idea!


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