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Is there a way in ARIS Script to select objects that are definition copies? I am looking for a method that would return the same collection as though I were using 'Find' in the Explorer in Business Architect with the following parameters:


Find what = Objects

Type = (all objects)

Default symbol = Process Interface


Rick Beddoe

Cargill Aris Technical Analyst

Minneapolis, MN, USA

by Ilya Seletkov
Posted on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 09:38


Try to use the "Find" method of the database object. The definition copies always have the same type and name. For example:

var oDB         = ArisData.getActiveDatabase();
var sName = "Name";
var aObjDefs = oDB.Find(Constants.SEARCH_OBJDEF, Constants.OT_FUNC, Constants.AT_NAME, -1, sName, Constants.SEARCH_CMP_EQUAL);

Hope, this helps.

by Rick Beddoe Author
Posted on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 17:42

Thanks Ilya,

I am trying to select ALL objects (not objects of a spcific name) with the symbol type of Process Interface. The find (as well as createSearchItem) don't seem to have the ability to search for objects based on their Default symbol.

Rick Beddoe

Cargill Aris Technical Analyst

Minneapolis, MN, USA

by Ilya Seletkov
Posted on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 17:09

You may try to find all objects of the "function" type and then look for those of them which have occurance with symbol "process interface" (even one or only). 

by Rick Beddoe Author
Posted on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 17:41

Aha. That's it. I should have known. Sometimes it is hard to see the forest for the trees.

Here's what I did:


//oGroup is the selected group
//JSLINQ is from the JSLINQ library

var oDataBase = oGroup.Database();
var aObjDefs = oDataBase.Find(Constants.SEARCH_OBJDEF, Constants.OT_FUNC);
var aPIObjs = JSLINQ(aObjDefs)
                .Where(function(oPIObj){return oPIObj.getDefaultSymbolNum()==94;})
                .Select(function(oPIObj){return oPIObj;})

Thanks again for the response Ilya.

Rick Beddoe

Cargill Aris Technical Analyst

Minneapolis, MN, USA

by Anosh Mehdi
Posted on Wed, 06/13/2012 - 12:52

Dear Rick,

I am trying to find the Definition copies of 'Events' and 'Functions' so that I can identify those with the Same names.

Can you please share your script? or perhaps provide some guidance on how to write such a report?

Thanks and Regards,



by Rick Beddoe Author
Posted on Wed, 06/13/2012 - 16:30

Hi Anosh,

You would still use the Find function on the database. Create an array of the object types you're looking for:

var oDataBase = oGroup.Database(); 
var aObjDefs = oDataBase.Find(Constants.SEARCH_OBJDEF, [Constants.OT_FUNC,Constants.OT_EVT]);

Rick Beddoe

Cargill Aris Technical Analyst

Minneapolis, MN, USA


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