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I'm trying to read large XML documents using the Context.getXMLParser() from where I expect to retrieve a JDOM parser for navegating through the XML tree. Unfortunately, I get a "Java heap space" error which finishes, abruptly, the execution of the script, probably due to the size of those documents.

Known some disadvantages of using DOM-like APIs for reading XML documents (like a proved high memory consumption), I'm figuring how to achieve my goal with other alternatives, like using a (Java) SAX-compliant XML Parser... 

Did anyone do this before? Any suggestions?

All the help you can provide me will be highly appreciated.

Best regards,



by Jens Heylmann
Posted on Mon, 11/12/2012 - 10:00

Hi Ricardo,

it is possible to use an alternative XML parser like SAX. In a report script you can call Java.Packages. To load a XML file for example:


this.init2 = function() {
        try {
           var locale = Context.getSelectedLanguage() ).getLanguage();
           var filedata = Context.getFile("filename.xml", Constants.LOCATION_COMMON_FILES);           
           var factory = new Packages.javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
           var builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();            
           propertiesfile = builder.parse( new new java.lang.String( filedata ).getBytes("UTF-8") ) );                                   
        } catch(e) {           
            //do nothing       



by Ricardo Siguero Martín Author
Posted on Tue, 11/13/2012 - 15:01

In reply to by ignaciocardenal

Hi Jens,

First of all, thank you very much for your help.

Many years have passed since the last time I use SAX in a development, so some of my statements may not be as exact as I would like. Sorry for that...

The main issue I have to face with is the creation of the ContentHandler(DefaultHandler)-derived type, in order to implement the startElement(), endElement(), characters(),... methods which manage the XML document in a proper way, that is:

1) Read the XML structure (XML nodes or nodesets)

2) Create some ARIS structures (models, objects and connections) using the previously read data. At this point, the ARIS Javascript-based API should be used in order to do the expected work but... within a Java type? 

From my current point of view, that's something I am not able to understand about how to carry it out...

Any idea?

Thanks, in advance, for all your help.







by julien biaussat
Posted on Thu, 11/15/2012 - 17:45

Hi Ricardo,

I have quiet the same pbm i want to parse the xml file of a database :

var xmlExportOptionsWrapper = xmlExport.createDefaultXMLExportRootOptions(sourceDb.RootGroup(), [1033]);

but the xmlExportResultWrapper2.getFileResult(); --> JAVA HEAP SPACE

I tried -Xmx in launcher.cfg...

I you have any suggestion... i'll take it...


by julien biaussat
Posted on Thu, 11/15/2012 - 17:46

and dli.cfg as well :

db.jvm.params=-Xmx2048m -Dderby.system.durability\=test\=0


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