Hi Guys

I am on a client's project, where we have to define services and have to algin them to their respective business services and EPCs. so that for minor additions we can do in aris only and can generate XSDs files from ARIS. some how we are not successful with the XSD generation from ARIS. we have standard IFX XSDs with which we have to align our clients XSDs. We are aligining them in eclips(hypermodel) and creating XSD. After this we have to link XSDs to the EPCs and service allocation diagram. which we are able to do via uploading XSD to SOA profile and linking UMLs to EPC. but the problem is that we are unable to get it back via ARIS. we are converted EPCs into BPEL, and after this we are taking exports as the out come we are getting XSD and WSDL file but they are wrong and irrelevent. can someone please guide?  

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