the synchronization ARIS <-> SAP Solution Manager 7.2 fails with the error:
- Error writing data to SAP. Erromessage from the SAP sytsem is: ResponseCode: 400
/ IWFND / CM_COS / 226: No standard virus profile active or found. Please check the guide.
- Sending data to SAP failed. Cleaning up generated SAP Ids.
(..) "
SAP Note 2437892 proposes to set up / select a virus scan profile in SAP Solution Manager via transaction VSCANPROFILE.
Has anyone here experience and could help me?
Best regards!
2 Replies
Dear Robert,
Enabling a virus profile in SAP SolMan is one of our pre-conditions to set up the synchronization.
Please have a look at our "ARIS Requirements for SAP Solutions.pdf" help document for more details.
There it says:
In order to use SAP Solution Manager 7.2, the following conditions must be met:
Authentication specified
The required privileges are contained in the ZSOLDOCAPIACCESS.SAP profile (see ARIS DVD\Add-ons\ARIS_Architect_extension_pack_SAP\Authentication). The profile is imported into the SAP system using the PFCG transaction.
Service activated
In order to allow HTTP access to the system, the PROCESSMANAGEMENT service (default_host/sap/opu/odata/sap) must be activated. The service is activated using the SICF transaction
Virus scan profile enabled
In order to avoid problems that might occur due to a virus scanner in use, a default virus scan profile is defined (VSCANPROFILE transaction).
Deactivate and activate the virus scan profile (/IWFND/VIRUS_SCAN transaction). In case of problems you can use the /IWFND/ERROR_LOG transaction to check the error protocol.Hope that helps.
Best regards
Contributing: We have Aris10sr2 syncing beautifully with SolMan 7.2 running in Azure. That is, it can work, so local issue.