Hello there i was able to edit some parts of the code of a report file (in the Default section a file called ins spanish "Funciones a lo largo de los distintos niveles de asociación" traduced would be like "Functions throughout the different levels of asociation")

Anyway i have two question (i really hope you can help me):

1. How can i do a newline or jump line with ARIS scripting (need to sepaate the titles from the table a little)???

2. How can i select the attributes that i want to display (the default script selects all the attributes from an object, but i want to show only a few ones)??


Thank you very much for your attention.

by Nelson Lobo
Posted on Sat, 01/16/2010 - 08:33

Hello Rodrigo,

I was scripting last week and discovered that if you copy and paste the below line to your code in the code view, you will get a new line

" outputObj.OutputLnF("",getString("ID_STYLE_RD_DEFAULT")) "

Since OutputLnF is used to output a string and move to the next line. This code outputs a blank string and moves to the next line. Similar to pressing "Enter" on the keyboard.

Anyone having better idea, can please comment.

Sorry I dont know the answer to the second query.



Nelson Lobo

by Rodrigo Fuentes A. Author
Posted on Sun, 01/17/2010 - 01:21

Thank you very much! monday at first hour i will check your solution.. also i was able to remember that the attributes thing it's selectionable with the filters :P.. so probably i will get finished the report on monday..


I will post my results here, many thanks!


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