We have an ARIS model with a few documents embedded as OLE links. When we export the database to Business Publisher the icons for the embedded objects are exported and can be seen. However, double-clicking on these icons does not bring up the documents.
How do we need to go about to achieve this?
Rik van der Schalie
Hey Rik!
You have to check a lot :) TheARIS help says:
OLE links can be run if you observe the following...
- Ensure that the necessary programs and OLE servers have been installed on the computers (for example, Microsoft Word for files with the extension DOC, Microsoft Excel for files with the extension XLS).
- If you publish OLE objects whose file names are written in Japanese characters in another language, e.g. de or en, the names will not be displayed correctly. These files cannot be opened. To be able to open the files, replace the Japanese (or other) file names with English ones.
- If you have enabled the Copy documents check box on the Include links page of the Profile Wizard (View/Options/Publisher export profiles) and started ARIS Business Server as a service, ensure that your authorization concept permits access to linked documents.
- Ensure that names of linked documents or OLE documents do not contain any spaces and that the file names are written in lower case letters. Some browsers do not work correctly if this condition is not met. Links will not be executed in that case.
I think, you should check first if your Business Publisher export profil has enabled the "Copy documents" check box. This is the most common fault.
Yes, I've seen that too. Thanks for your post.
And yes, the "copy documents"check box has been ticked.
1. If I can open the document by double-clicking on the icon in ARIS, I should be able to open it by double-clicking on the icon when viewing Business Publisher on the same computer.
2. N/A
3. This is totally not helpful. What exactly do they mean with "ensure that your authorization concept permits access to linked documents". The documents are copied to the BP server. I do not know, nor should I need to know, where on the BP server the documents are stored. As such, I should need to do anything about authorization. I certainly will not give users authorization to access files on a production server.
It would be helpful to know what actually happens to the copied documents, but that is something the documentation does not talk about.
4. Which ancient browser should I have to use to have this apply? Seriously, browsers that do not accept spaces in file names? IE9 ? FF10?
Bottom line is that all clickable items in the BP export show up as such. Just not the icons for the embedded documents. I don't get any error message, just nothing.
Hi Rik,
I tested this for myself yesterday and it works.
1. agree
2. ok
3. I think at least you need read access to the folder the documents are copied on the server.
4. I tested the OLE link in BP successfully with MS IE 8
What I also have seen is, that the way you created a OLE link determines whether the link is working or not. If you do not enable the box "Link" it does not work in my case. With the following settings I have created a OLE link which also works in the Business Publisher:
Best regards,
Ok. This is getting us closer. So this actually means that the copied documents are stored on the Business Publisher server file system, and that they are served up to the client is such a way that the user actually needs read permission on (a part of) the file system of the Business Publisher server? Not a very sound arcitectural choice i.m.o.
Do you know where on the server (relative to the install path of the Business Publisher) these documents are stored?
My one issue with ths line of thought is that the icons of the documents do not seem to be clickable at all.It's not that I click on the document icon and then get a message that I'm not authorized (or something like that). Clicking on the document icon has the same effect as clicking on any part of the background; I can see that the browser window refreshes, but that's it.
Thanks for your help so far.