We were using ARIS SAP Arc 7.1 with JCO 2.X and was working Fine on 32 bit Windows XP Mc . We have recently upgraded to 7.2 version and due to which we have upgraded to JCO 3.08. We have removed the old JCO file and copied new JCO file in system 32 folders as well as required folder into ARIS. But we try to run any SAP function ( run SAP transaction/Show Solman Blueprint). We get the error JCO connector Error - "SYSTEM_PREPARE_ATTACH_GUI" Not Found'
We have alreday apply the Patch Visual Studio 2005 C/C++
Have anybody seen this kind of error. If yes please share ur view.
I m alaso ataching the Error Snap Shot and output of "D:\ARIS7.1\JavaClient\jre\bin\java.exe-jar D:\ARIS7.1\JavaClient\lib\sapjco3.jar"
I could be a problem with the corresponding SAP system in combination with SAP JCo – see SAP OSS 1258724. For SAP JCo 3.0.x older SAP systems need a patch that it works to call the SAP GUI for these SAP systems.
For testing purposes switch to another SAP system and try it again.
Best regards,