Hello Community!

I am trying to add nested IF formula in the Query to fullfill the below requirement

  A B C
1 Column 1 Column 2 Column3
2 1.00   Yes
3 1.00 1.00 Not Sure
4   1.00 No
5     default

I want Coulmn 3 to be yes, Not Sure, No, or Default based on these combinations of values ("1" and "null") in Column 1 and Column 2
(Column 1 and Column 2 values are coming by using the COUNT formula for Objects)

and for that I have written below nested IF Formula.


But When I run the query I am getting Below error message

Could you please suggest me where am I doing logical/Syntactical error.
how can I modify the Formula to get required result out of the Query.

Thank you
Best regards,


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