Hi Community - Greetings of the day!!

Recently, I started working on ARIS Customized Reports. 
and I came across one server where all the AIRS Script inbuilt functions used in report's and macro's, ARCM functions, etc. are given with their details like return type, Parameter's etc.

that is very much useful for me as a beginner.

But since last few days It's not available to use/ I'm not able to access this server, getting timeout 504 error code.

"Gateway Timeout: - Server error - server is unreachable at this moment.
Please retry the request or contact your administrator."

Anybody, SoftwareAG admin from here, could you please try and check regarding this server availability.

or any other Source where I can get the similar help for the ARIS Scripting Report's and Macros.

Thank you in advance.

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