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Hi all

Here are some news on ProcessWorld Berlin planning progress.

Product training sessions are published live on the website now. You can choose two out of six training sessions about webMethods, ARIS and MashZone. Particular descriptions of the training sessions are given on the website.

The agenda will be fixed this week but I can give you some information beforehand:

Mr. Alexander Osterwalder - co-author of the bestseller Business Model Generation - will be keynote speaker and Mark Jeffries - former Merrill Lynch stockbroker and an experienced moderator and speaker - moderates the conference.

A first draft of the agenda can be found on the website under track sessions and gives you an impression of the wide-ranging program.

All lectures will be translated simultaneously from English into German and vice versa.

Meanwhile there are some more sponsors to announce and you can meet all of them in the exhibition: Accenture, Deloitte, Green Hat, iTKO, C1 Solutions, CrossVista, nterra and Logica.

And for all who cannot attend ProcessWorld, my colleague Sebastian Stein will blog live in this community from Berlin as he did in recent years.

by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Fri, 04/01/2011 - 07:36

I'm looking forward for the live blogging session from ProcessWorld Berlin 2011. I'm already training my keyboarding speed so that I won't miss any important facts presented during the conference :-)


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