Profile picture for user Sabrina.GUETIBI

Hello dear ARIS community,

I have been using ARIS9.8 for one year from now , and I'm reaching the deadline of using this version which is tomorrow, so I have requested the final version for my university but I'm very surprised fromthe fact that this version will expire after only two mounth of use, so I would like tobe sure about this information, maybe I got it wrong!

Thank you in advance for your answer.

Best regards

Guetibi S.


by Ranjitha R Venkataramanan
Posted on Thu, 12/14/2017 - 10:57

Hello Sabrina,

The latest version of ARIS is 10.0. Please upgrade to that. If you are a student, the license will be valid for 6 months, if you are a faculty the license will be valid for 12 months.



by Sabrina Guetibi Author
Posted on Fri, 12/15/2017 - 23:35

Dear Ranjitha,

I'm a faculty member and for the current version installed (ARIS 9.8) in my machine from last year is still working so I can use it without updating until next February.

Can I request an license extension for ARIS 10, from next February or no?

Best regards.



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