Profile picture for user Sabrish5

Hi, I would like to link an attachment to a task in a BPMN diagram, can anybody help how?

Thanks & Regards, 


by Jorge Reyna R.
Posted on Mon, 01/20/2020 - 22:25

Hi Sabarish,

In the BPMN model:

Right click on the task. Next click on the Properties...:

Click on the Link attribute

Introduce a name to the attachment and search the path to the attachment, and click on OK:

Next... Click on Attribute placement (objects):

Click on the Add... bottom:

Click on Link attribute:

Click on the location for the Attribute (attachment):

And... Finally, Click on OK bottom:

Best regards.

Jorge Reyna R.

(Consultor ARIS)

by Sabarish N
Badge for 'Rookie' achievement
Posted on Thu, 11/18/2021 - 13:59

Thank you very much


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