I cannot find any documentation on what happens to templates when models are merged across different servers. I would like to know what happens when:
1. The models have the same GUIDs, the templates have the same GUID but the template has been modified on one of the servers.
2. The models have the same GUIDs but the template GUIDs differ. Assume both template GUIDs exist on the target server.
3. The models have the same GUIDs but the template GUIDs differ. The source template does not exist on the target.
4. The models have the same GUIDs, the template GUIDs differ but the template names are the same.
Can anyone tell me please?
The templates were not transfered by merge only the reference from a model to the template is transfered. Therefore you have
1. the templates keep untouched.
2. In case of source overwrites target : model on target side now points to same template as source model. In case target preserved: model on target side keeps untouched
3. In case of source overwrites target : model on target side now points to same template as source model. Which does not exist on the target server. In this case the ABA behaves like there is no template assigned on the model. In case target preseved: model on target side keeps untouched
4. the name of the template has no influence on the behavior so it is the same as 3.