Hello, everyone.
In the company's ARIS, there are an object with the name misplaced.
That configuration is on the object's default, and I need to center the name every time I create it.
Is there any way to change this object's default configuration?
If don't, is there a way to change it from script like obj.Attributes (AT_Name, lang).Placement() ?
Thank you so much.
Hi, Frank.
I'm pretty new working with Aris. Would you mind tell me how do I get it's template?
In architect, the only thing I know is Administration > Aris > Configuration > Method.
There I have the model and symbol, but I can't find the Placement property. When I get this property in the VACD object, the name's placement is in the Right (should be in center).
Even though I change there, I have to do it for every time I use this object, because it doesn't change the template, and I don't know how to change it.
- open the model in the architect. Open the properties of the model. In the properties: Format -> representations. You will see the "current template".
- You need to change this template. You almost found the place...
Administration -> configuration -> conventions -> templates -> definitions. - You will find the used template here. Double click the template and navigate to the page with the attribute placements for symbols (page 4.)
Please let me point to the online help in ARIS. In the "ARIS" drop down menu of the architect, you can find "Help". Click on "Working with ARIS". Search for "templates".
Thanks for the help, Frank.
- open the model in the architect. Open the properties of the model. In the properties: Format -> representations. You will see the "current template".
The situation here is:
In Format > The template is: "No template".
As you can see "GECON" is in the right prosition, only "goal1" is misplaced.
My problem is only with this object's template.
When I create a new one, it already shows me misplaced:
Where can I find the object's template
An object occurrence does not "have" a template. The formats defined in the template assigned to the model are applied to the occurrences as they are placed in the model. You can manually apply a template to selected objects or the entire model, though. A template can define format rules for each symbol type separately. This is probably why you see different behaviour for these symbol types.
You should check your client setting under "ARIS -> Options -> Modelling -> For new models" what standard template you have configured. This will be applied to all new models you create. It is possible that the administrator prescribes this setting centrally (in Administration -> Configuration -> Conventions -> Templates -> Standard settings). If you need different templates for different model types you can also configure that in these places.
I'm sorry, Frank. I guess I'm not making myself clear to you (really my bad).
I understand that my model doesn't follow a template, and I really don't think it should (at least in my workplace).
My problem is with only one object, not the model. All objects but this one are ok.
I'd like to know if I can change the default object, that appears in the Icon part at the right side of the screen (image below).
When I click in "Objetivo do Processo", I get this object's name misplaced.
I'm sorry I am not following you. As I told you, I am pretty novice in this tool.
The Name attribute occurrence placement is a format property of the occurrence of the object. This format is copied from the default template of the model upon creation of the occurrence. Hence you should define a default template for your model type (or all models), which provides formatting information for that symbol. That is the only way you can change the default placement of the Name attribute occurrence.
It depends on the kind of script. In a Macro it is
Designer.setDefaultProperties(model, occ)
see the Help at /abs/help/en/script/ba/index.htm#macro_OBJECTS_Designer_setdefaultproperties.htm
In a report you set and apply a template on a model using
model.setTemplate(templateGUID, true)
see the Help here: /abs/help/en/script/ba/index.htm#report_OBJECTS_Model_settemplate.htm
Can I ask you one more thing?
I have this line to create my Goal item.
It gets the value from my excel, which is working fine.
This name placement's attribute can be reached from this script?
Ex: obj.Attribute(Constants.AT_NAME, lang).setPlacement(center);
Is there something possible to do via script? If there is, I can do it from script while we don't make a template for it.
all layout things are properties of the object occurrence. With group.CreateObjDef you only created the object definition, but there is nothing in your model, yet. You have to take the obj and create an ObjOcc in your model. That will give you access to the attribute placement options.
Regards, M. Zschuckelt