Dear ARIS User and ARIS Usergroup member,
Triggered by the announced “remake” of the ARIS Platform with the next major release 9 we would like to start a combined effort of all AUG members to address their expectations towards SAG as it is done within other SAG Usergroups (e.g. for Natural).
Attached you find an Excel document with different tables. The first one gives guidelines to the use of the other tables. The last table is meant as an example.
The plan is to combine the results with the requirements already posted to SAG to add a broader and more neutral evaluation of the proposals besides customer size or sales figures.
This implicates the proceedings:
- Please return the Excel containing your proposals/requests till Feb. 23rd to the president of the International ARIS Usergroup and fill in the subject your Company Name (and eventually your Name) and attach as well explaining documents if there are any mentioned in the Excel sheet.
- Your Mail will be forwarded to SAG for a joint consolidation with their existing requirements. If you have a call ID already for your request/proposal please add this in the Excel docuement.
- The plan is, that latest at the International Usergroup Meeting in Berlin May 9th - 11th the consolidated requests/proposals will be discussed among members and with SAG (on Friday 11th).
Please return your requests/proposals as soon as possible, so that we have already a first picture at the next Usergroup Meetings a) in Frankfurt on February 27th at Equens and b) on March 5rd 2012 in Berlin at T-Systems.
If you have any questions please email to the above mentioned adress with your phone number included, if you want a call.
Thanks in advance.