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Hi everybody!

I am searching for a best practice for the following issue:

we have a problem when creating new business publisher exports from the aris business architect. The following points occur and I wonder how other ARIS users deal with this issue:

  • Direct links to models do not work anymore
  • The history of viewed models on the home-site of the BP gets cleared
  • Once created favorites of users are lost (also in case of anonymous access)
  • User passwords (in case of ARIS internal user management) are set to initial

Does anybody have the same problems as we do and how can I deal with those problems so that the users have more comfort in using the business publisher? However the problems do not appear when updating an existing export but sometimes it is necessary to create a new one.

Thanks in advance,


by Stefan Schumacher
Posted on Mon, 07/04/2011 - 08:57

Dear Markus,

there are no issues because ARIS Business Publisher will fulfill all your requirements using the functionality "Update exports".


When you create "new" exports, they are completelly independant.


Hope that helps.




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