
in my models i haven a model header. To place some attributes in there, like model name or user is not very difficult. But now I'm faced the challange to fill an user attribute with a value in the following manner:

I organized my models in a folder structure. Each folder on the same level is named with a numeric prefix like 01_XY, 02_XY, 03_XY, ... and so on. The name of the model (user attribute) should be a concadination of these folder prefixes (seperated by a dot) and the given model name.

For example 02.01.05_MyModelName. This model is located in the folder 05_Level_3, which is located in the folder 01_Level_1, which is located in the folder 02_Level_1.

I'm looking for a possibility to create this model name by script or something else and place this attribute into the model header. This attribute should be updated automatically if the location of the model changes  in the folder hierarchy or the model header is inserted into the model.

I'm able to write a script to get the information of the group (folder) prefixes but I don't know how to integrate this into the model header in that way, that I don't have to update this attribute manually, e.g. by starting a report or macro.

Can anyone help me.


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