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Hey there,

Apologies if I've posted this in the wrong forum.

I am new to ARIS Connect (ARIS version:, I have Designer access and I'm working on a cross functional process model.  I have two questions:

1. I would like to select all Tasks (User, Service, Manual or whatever), in a swim lane and then allocate the responsible position/role to those Tasks in that one swim lane so the FAD for each Task updates with that responsible position/role.

Can this be done in just a few steps or do I need to go to each and every Task create an assignment etc?

2. I would like to select all User Tasks anywhere within a cross-functional model, then allocate one IT system to those Tasks so that the FADs for each update with that IT system.

Can this be done in just a few steps as well?

I'm just trying to improve my efficiency in my role as a Business Process Modeller.

Thanks in advance.


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