use the toolbar icon in ARIS Cloud that looks like a piece of a chain. The tooltip says "Assignments". A Menu pops up and you say "Create assignment...". It asks you what type of model you want to create. Choose either another level of Value-added chain or EPC. Leave the suggested model name as it is. ARIS suggests the name of the object you chose to create an assignment for.
In the EPCs take care to create the process interfaces as occurrence copies of the process object (the one from the VACD in the level above the EPC) you want to link to. As you type the name of the process interface ARIS will automatically suggest matching function objects. Choose the right one.
Thank you very much for your advice. How do you link Activities/events from different levels together ? i can't seem to work it out . also if you have any books/literature about modeling with ARIS i would greatly appreciate it . Thank you for your help. Best regards .