As the Interface process object is not currently existing, I used the "event" object for representing the missing object. For that purpose, I modified the color of the "event" object from orange to white (the object symbol being then not visible). However, the line color is grey and I would rather have a black line (more visible). Is there a way to change the layout of the line style other than limited to solid, dashed or dotted? 



by Frank Weyand
Posted on Thu, 08/20/2009 - 15:35

Hi Serge,

currently not. But in the Release version, you will be able to do so. There, you can switch off the 3d style. Then, you can also change the line color.



by Kerstin M
Posted on Wed, 08/26/2009 - 16:01

Hi Frank,

I wonder if this feature of the Release version helps me with my "problem" as well. I'd prefer to have black and white diagramms not only for printing - which is supported by ARIS Express - but also for exporting them to other documents which might be printed - then on a black an white printer.

I tried to change the colour of objects to white but this only helps with the organigram because all the objekts have solid lines. But the AND, X and XOR connectors don't so that they appear nearly transparent if I change their colour into white.

So, will the Release version solve my problem as well?




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