Profile picture for user SERGEY BALABANOV

Hi, dear ARIS Community people!

I have been acquainted with standard diagramming language BPMN 2.0 for business process models by the book of Bruce Silver "BPMN Method and Style". 

I joined to the ARIS Community recently to have possibility of making a model in the ARIS Basic software. I did it! My first model was creaed by me on 2021-12-17. Unfortunately, my license for product  ARIS Cloud Viewer of project room snb1953 will expire on 2021-12-27.

My work with my business process model was forced to interrupt at that item of studying which designated as "human task assignment", because I was not given the appropriate admission to work.

Instead, I was offered to buy the license for the next period. I have to notice that new license price is too expensive for me, and I can't pay so much money for it.

That is why I have to ask anyone from University students and faculty persons to share with me free of charge by tutorial documentation for studying in further the product of ARIS Basic.

If someone be able to make it, please do not hesitate to be in touch with me by email:

I look forward to hearing from you.

With kind regards,

Sergey Balabanov






by Shalini Akula
Posted on Wed, 12/22/2021 - 11:31

Dear Mr. Balabanov,

I answered your question in a separate e-mail. Please check your inbox.




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