Hello everybody,

I did not find any article that deals with my problem, which is the following:

We have several groups of Aris Designers and Architects. Before accessing an Aris client, our users have to log in based on Active Directory (we use an IIS-Tomcat environment). For some reason, we do not necessarily want one group to even see the databases of the other group displayed (in the initial DB-selection-page and in the tree-view of our server's databses as shown in the Architect).

Is there a built-in mechanism to achieve this?

As an alternative, does anyone have an idea how to "hack" this? I was thinking of adding new folders on the server with customized aris_database.html-files. Then, these would be accesible via different URLs (for each of the groups). But then, I do not know whether these html-files get updated each time a database changes or only if a new DB is added. If the latter case were true AND if I restrict the client type to be Aris designer only, I am pretty close to what we want; After logging in to the webserver, the user only sees the DBs I configured into the html-file, and choosing one of those, the Designer opens and shows only the choosen DB.

But what to do for an Architect client? Is there something to prohibit the display of DB-nodes that a user (well, which is not an Aris user) can not see. (E.g. a forwarding of the username provided at log-in to the web-server so that Aris BizServer "knows" which DBs a user has access to and which not.

Thanks very much for ideas, brainstorming...and solutions!



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