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I created a model in ARIS Express and saved same.

Then I wanted to import the saved model into ARIS Business Architect.

The problem is that in ARIS Express models are only saved in .adf format while in ABA import is allowed for only .xml files.

Then I exported the model from ARIS Express in :

  • PDF
  • RTF

After which I saved both of the above in .xml and tried to import same in ABA.

The following error messages are displayed:


With best regards



by Ivo Velitchkov
Posted on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 09:41


There is a specific XML schema used in ARIS so if an XML is not created from ARIS or Process Generator or other tool complying that schema, such import won't work. My guess regarding ARIS Express is that this feature is still not available. Either ARIS Business Architect should be enabled to import .adf or ARIS express should be enabled to export (save as) ARIS-valid XML. I'm curious what will be the actual solution.


by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 09:47

Ivo is right, this feature is just not available yet. The professional products will be extended to import ADF files later this year. We will announce this as soon as this feature is available in the professional products.



PS: I added a note to the list of known issues.

by Dennis Jacobsen
Posted on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 10:49

So, in order to get full usage of the ARIS express tool, we will have to await a new release of the Pro product? That seriously lessens the value of even deploying ARIS express across an organisation if you want to control publishing of models thru the Pro server solution, but allow users w/o access to this server solution to generate models for later possible publishing if approved by process owner.

How long will we have to wait for this solution?




by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 11:13

Dennis, please don't forget you are using a beta version. This is not the final release yet and it is very natural that things are missing.



by Dennis Jacobsen
Posted on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 12:53

Appreciate that - but also realise that we are 6 weeks away from official release and this is a significant missing functionality. Also looking at the status indication on the 'known issues' list it looks like either it is too complex an issue to fix prior to release date or it is down-prioritised.

Anyway, your indication in a previous comment was that the fix will not be in Express but in a later release of the Pro product and the question is then when such a release is expected?



by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 13:12

Hi Dennis,

please don't worry about features being too big to make it into the release. We are using a sofisticated development process, which allows us to do several things in parallel. Anyway, the import feature is not something we need to add to ARIS Express, so it does not influece the release of ARIS Express. It is something needed in the professional tools. The release cycle of those products is independent from the release cycle of ARIS Express.



by Tales Costa
Posted on Fri, 07/31/2009 - 22:41

 What about importing into ARIS Express models built on ARIS Business Architect  ? Will this be possible? Example, will ARIS Express be able to import a ARIS-valid XML ?


by Frank Weyand
Posted on Sun, 08/02/2009 - 22:28

 Hi Tales,

Express does not have a repository and does not provide e.g. re-usage of objects. Therefore, some concepts, e.g. multiple occurrences of the same objects, are not available in Express. In ARIS professional products this is possible. So, there won't be an import from Business Architect into Express, but vice versa.



by Harry Ratia
Posted on Tue, 08/04/2009 - 13:40

In reply to by rodhercas

Hello Frank,


I'm sorry but I still don't seem to understand why in ABA or ABD it can't be possible to save a model in .adf-format. You would thereby lose the concept of occurrence and definition copies used in ABA/ABD, but that can't matter much. After all the objective is to bring in to Express some work already done in ABA/ABD.

Say for instance there is a model created in ABD, built from object occurrences. Some occurences are unique for the model, others are not. Couldn't it still be possible to generate a .adf-file from this information? It would be great if there is an simple explanation to why this could not be done.


With regards    / Harry

by Pascal TREMONG
Posted on Fri, 08/14/2009 - 16:49

Congratulations. ARIS EXPRESS is an excellent idea.

I am independent consultant in BPM and I work on large accounts. My clients are not often familiar with the process. So, this is a good alternative. I am well aware that this is a beta version. I am waiting you that can import templates ".ADF" to ARIS Architect 7.1.; It will take meaning.

However, what filter will we use to import in ARIS Architect? If the client uses a specific filter, it provided a conversion table?


With regards | Pascal


by Frank Weyand
Posted on Wed, 09/09/2009 - 14:59


 Hi Pascal,

we will specify a filter which you can use to import the data. This allow you to use the names of models and symbols (e.g. "Activity" instead of "Function", or "Business process" instead of "EPC").

But anyway, just using "Entire method" will fit also, the only difference will be that you can not use the nice looking symbols of Express.



by Ralph Smeets
Posted on Thu, 10/01/2009 - 10:15

In reply to by sstein

Hi Pascal,

First of all I was very pleasantly surprised by the new looks and features of Aris Express, my compliments. At the moment we have a potential customer who already wants to start modeling. But in the long run they will move to ABA among others to synchronize to Solution Manager.

- In general how much rework has to be done to change the imported adf models?
- What will happen with the activities in Aris express? Can they also be changed to SAP functions? I guess changing them to SAP shortcuts or Shadow Symbol has to be done manually? Or is there a fast way to change functions types?
- What will happen with activities (persons, IT systems) with the same name in ABA? I guess they are created as definitions too?
- Will there be process interfaces in Aris Express in the near future?
- When can we exactly expect the new service release of ABA will be available?

Thanks in advance for your reply.


by Marcus Kieling
Posted on Thu, 11/05/2009 - 14:53

Hi all,

i was also looking for the possibility to import models from Express to ARIS 7.1 Architect. I think IDS will not support a solution which will work fine with the server based Methods. Why? Designer licences won't be sold anymore.

My suggestion: Enjoy the tool. If you want to work professional think about the professional versions.

Best regards


by Frank Weyand
Posted on Mon, 11/09/2009 - 22:38

Hi Marcus.


with the next Service Release of ARIS Business Architect, it will actually be possible to import ADF files into the Business Architect.



by Vikas Vyas
Posted on Wed, 11/25/2009 - 21:45

Hello  - I tried to open the known issues list but seems like I don't have authorization.  It would be great if you could provide me read-only access to this list so that I can look at the open items and their status in your "known issues list".



by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Thu, 11/26/2009 - 10:10

Hi Vikas,

we are not maintaining this list anymore, therefore we put it offline.


by W.F. Simonis
Posted on Thu, 12/03/2009 - 11:53

Hi Frank,

When is the next Service Release of ARIS Business Architect. I saw some interesting models, which I want to import for a current project. Please let me know, because otherwise I'll have to transfer these models manually in Architect.

Willem Simonis

by Frank Weyand
Posted on Thu, 12/03/2009 - 17:36


the next SR is planned for next quarter.




by Daniel Keegan
Posted on Thu, 01/14/2010 - 00:09


 Sorry to drag up an old post, however our organisation is implementing of ARIS Professsional later today (Designer, Architect and Publisher components) and I am curious if this release supports import of .adf files?

I have only briefly looked through supplied documentation and help files but can find no mention of ARIS Express .adf file formats regarding import.

FYI I have an Architect license, and connect through the ABA module.

Thanks in advance!!


by Frank Weyand
Posted on Thu, 01/14/2010 - 10:27

Hi Dan,

no, your version does not support the import.

The Business Architect of the next service release, which will come soon, will support the import from ADF files.



by Marcus Kieling
Posted on Thu, 01/14/2010 - 18:13

In my opinion an import doesn't make sense if the method filter is not supported.

Will Express support the filter parameters in future releases?


by Frank Weyand
Posted on Fri, 01/15/2010 - 09:00

Hello Marcus Kieling,

if your question is whether Express will allow the usage of different filters, e.g. to customize Express to use other object- or model type, the answer is no.



by Paolo De Paolis
Posted on Tue, 02/09/2010 - 16:47

Hi all,

I'd like to know how to export from Aris Business Architect 7.1 to previous Aris versions.




Paolo De Paolis


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