Hi All,

I am looking into altering the object attribute placement using AttrOcc's Create(int, FontStyle) method. But I don't find how to create FontStyle?

Can anybody help?

Warm regards


by Vanessa Morais
Posted on Mon, 07/14/2008 - 18:05

FontStyle = To be used by font objects in the report. A font format object contains one font for each language. This font is used in ARIS Designer when an attribute in the specified font format is to be displayed in a prescribed language. In addition to the methods specified here, the methods of Item are also available.



Consolidate ( FontStyle[] oFontStylesToConsolidate, boolean bDeleteSlaves, boolean bAttrMerge )

Consolidates the font format (master) with the list of specified font formats (slaves) with the specified options.


Font ( int localeId )

Returns the font object (Font ) of this font format for the specified database language.


IsDefaultFontStyle ( )

Returns TRUE if this font format is the default font format.

by Shatrughan Sharma Author
Posted on Tue, 07/15/2008 - 03:47

Thanks VANDEM for the reply. But it doesn't solve the issue.

I am actually looking for a method to create instance of FontStyle object to be used AttrOcc's Create(<alighnment>, <fontstyle>) method.



by Site Administrator
Posted on Wed, 11/11/2009 - 11:38

Here's something for your consideration:

FontStyle = To be used by font objects in the report. A font format object contains one font for each language. This font is used in ARIS Designer when an attribute in the specified font format is to be displayed in a prescribed language. In addition to the methods specified here, the methods of Item are also available.


Consolidate ( FontStyle[] oFontStylesToConsolidate, boolean bDeleteSlaves, boolean bAttrMerge )

Consolidates the font format (master) with the list of specified font formats (slaves) with the specified options.


Font ( int localeId )

Returns the font object (Font ) of this font format for the specified database language.


IsDefaultFontStyle ( )

Returns TRUE if this font format is the default font format.


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