Hi all,
I'm currently trying to determine which Simulation suite suits my needs, as a part of my graduation project.
Purpose of my graduation
I'm trying to link simulation with Process Mining, a research topics that tries to identify as much information about processes as possible, solely using datasets.
Capability needs for simulation
I've already derived some useful information from the data. In order to use this, I need the following:
- Arrival rate: Is it possible to change this per hour and per working day? I've already that the rate per hour is distributed negative binomial? Is it possible to add this to the model? If not, is it possible to have a Poisson Arrival rate, or an exponential interarrival time?
- Number of available employees: I've found that there are several groups of employees, where each group has it's set of processes. Is it possible to model this? Furthermore, I've found that the number of employees differs per day and is distributed normally. Can this be modelled?
- Is it possible to add the service policy, like FCFS or Earliest Due Date?
Because I'm a student, I only have a student license.
I hope you can provide me with a first quick insight into the capabilities of Aris Simulation.
Kind regards,