We are currently upgrading from ARIS 7.2 to 9.8. I'm curious if most organizations use the ARIS 9 symbols and have updated all of their existing models as part of migration from ARIS 7.2 to 9.8 or if most keep using their ARIS 7.2 symbols to prevent having to manually fix all existing models since the new symbols are much larger than the old ones? Any suggestions / lessons learned of what has worked well or not so well would be appreciated. Thanks.
2 Replies
Hi Shannon,
we did the upgrade from 7.2 to 9.8 last summer. We use it with the ARIS9 symbols.
The first time I encountered the ARIS9 symbols it was a little shock, because I did not recognize the diagrams
as ARIS diagrams. But by getting accustomed to them I changed my opinion. I love the new symbols now 8o)In general the text parts of the symbols are better readable and everything looks a little bit clearer then before ...
When migrating we had around 2000 models of different types. After just switching to the new palette via properties of the database there were quite a lot of things to do. I had to change the colors because we did so in the classic palette. Using a template to apply without destroying other parts of the models was a bit tricky.
So now we still have a bunch of diagrams where the textfields in the symbols are to small so the text is abbriviated. We choose to fix them when we view or change the models.For a more detailed handling of symbol editing there is a report 'format models' (section administration) that can be customized to achieve a correct layout. But I did not use that report.
BR Gerald