I have sent 3 emails in last week regarding purchasing Mashzone (Enterprise) and not getting any replies....can you please direct me to an alternative as no answers from Online Shop.
by Marie Heil
Posted on Fri, 08/23/2013 - 16:23

Please go to, scroll down and click on the "contact" button. In the next step  fill out the contact form and you should get a reply :).

Could you please show me where did you find the link to the online shop?



by Sorin Hornoiu Author
Posted on Sun, 08/25/2013 - 18:29

As I mentioned this was the action I did before (3 messages). It is my error when I "named" this link as an "Online Shop". How could I "accelerate" an answer from a sales representative?


Thank you


by Marie Heil
Posted on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 12:02

To find the perfect contact person for you first I have to know which country do you come from. You can send me that information in a private message too.

by Sorin Hornoiu Author
Posted on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 14:50

In reply to by Sascha Schneider

I am located in Romania

Thank you,


by Marco Solas
Posted on Tue, 09/24/2013 - 04:51

In reply to by Sascha Schneider

I recently searched for the pricing structure for ARIS Mashzone and was not at all impressed to see that you've changed this in line with what appears to be a monstrouse price increase for the enterprise edition. I recall when I purchased a personal copy at 85 euro that there was an enterprise edition priced at around 450 euro. Now I have been quoted a ridiculous price of many thousands which effectively means I would find it difficult if not impossible to justify the cost to my company.

Looks life SAG are regaining their nickname of licence AG once more. Not at all impressed - how about refunding my 85 euro while you're at it.


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