I have sent 3 emails in last week regarding purchasing Mashzone (Enterprise) and not getting any replies....can you please direct me to an alternative as no answers from Online Shop.
Please go to http://www.mashzone.com/en/Editions/179554.html, scroll down and click on the "contact" button. In the next step fill out the contact form and you should get a reply :).
Could you please show me where did you find the link to the online shop?
I recently searched for the pricing structure for ARIS Mashzone and was not at all impressed to see that you've changed this in line with what appears to be a monstrouse price increase for the enterprise edition. I recall when I purchased a personal copy at 85 euro that there was an enterprise edition priced at around 450 euro. Now I have been quoted a ridiculous price of many thousands which effectively means I would find it difficult if not impossible to justify the cost to my company.
Looks life SAG are regaining their nickname of licence AG once more. Not at all impressed - how about refunding my 85 euro while you're at it.