Profile picture for user shridhar.chippa

Dear All,

We are experiencing ARIS Business Publisher outage from last few months.

When we traced the logs, we found following issues:

  • JAVA cache error
  • System Over load
  • Customized Layout error
  • Unable to clean scope set
  • Out of Memory error (GC Overloaded)

We have doubled the memory size of publisher, but still we are experiencing same issues.

Request your help to resolve this issue.

Many Thanks

Shridhaar Chippaa

by Claudio Menezes
Posted on Wed, 10/06/2010 - 23:01

Hi Mr. Chipaa,


This might demand quite some time to find where the problem is. There are many variables to check. If your company has a valid maintenance contract with IDS Scheer, you can contact them directly for support.





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