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good morning all,


I would have a question there a report which allows to export / import relationships between objects in already created models?

I have used export attributes for translation and import translated atributes. in the xls file genrated with this report there is a worksheet named connections but it is empty and even if I update it it will not be imported. probably this report is only updating the attributes, however I would like to understand if there is a way to chnge objects relationships in bulk based on the objects GUIDs just to ensure data preservation. in my case I need to preserve those GUIDs as they were initially created and find a way to modify how the objects are used.


Thank you

by Torsten Haase
Posted on Fri, 10/23/2020 - 17:00

Hi Silvia,

you are right, the report "import translated attributes" only maintains attributes but does not create new objects or connections.
So, knowing the model (GUID), its objects (OID, or GUID if reused in another DB) and the "to-be-targets" it is easy to write a report which collects this data to an excel sheet, modify it and import it again. But there is no existing standard report for this task.

Have you noticed these two reports:
(1) on a group: Standard/Create template for data import
It creates a template to fill in for (2).
(2) on a group: Standard/Import data in Ecxel format
The configuration is a little complicated but maybe they do exactly what you need?

BR, Torsten


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