Hi All,
Anyone ever struggled with the default green symbol for objects in explorer view?! My previous impression was that it stands for objects that have been created/imported and have no occurence in any model yet. Not valid anymore.
I create numerous models with the standard "Import data in Excel format" report and all of the imported objects have at least one occurence. For some reason some objects appear in explorer with their appropriate symbol - others do not and stay greeny-circled. I know I can adjust this throgh their properties, but it seem quite time-consuming as I cannot do it at once because we are using different symbols for one object type (and I need to verify this for each object, although I have already indicated this during import).
So does anyone know the logic for the green symbol in explorer?
Hi Silviya -
Even though you have created an object occurrence with the "Import data in Excel format" report, it does not automatically set the default symbols for the objects. Once you manually create an occurrence for each of these objects, it should reset the default symbol to whatever symbol you use for the new occurrence. My recommendation is the following:
1. Create a temporary model which allows all of your object types that you have imported (the FAD is a good candidate for this, but you will need to check what's best with your current filter)
2. In the Explorer window, select all of the objects have the green symbol (ie. they do not have a default symbol set)
3. Paste all of the objects into the FAD
4. Save the model
5. Reload your Explorer window and you should now see that the objects have properly set default symbol
6. Delete the temporary FAD model you created
In all, this should only take you a few minutes and is much quicker than going into the properties of each object and manually setting the default symbol.
Hi Ellen,
thanks for the tip! (saves time indeed in case you are not using several symbols for one object type).
One thing to add - if we also place the objects with their symbols in the sheet for object attributes maintenance in the excel for import (even if no attribute is populated), the objects get the desired symbol, so that's another way to handle I guess.