Normally when creating a Bow tie, we have connected the threat barriers in sequence before connecting the last barrier to the Risk Event or the recovery controls to the consequence.
Is there a way to do this in ARIS as the multiple barriers for the same threat or the recovery controls to the consequence is getting messy when having these seperate.
We have checked the filter and the template and cannot find a way to include these connections between the function objects as this does not allow for these connections
Any advice appreciated
Hi Veronika,
I worked it out and feel foolish as the solution to my problem was as simple as looking at the connections in the Method Model Types.
In the Bowtie diagram we wanted to show multiple threat barriers one after the other in a sequence as they all related to the same Threat object before connecting to the Risk Event object, the out of the box Risk Diagram does not have these connections between Threat Barriers or even Recovery Controls.
After posting this and talking to others I checked the Bow Tie Diagram in the Method - Model in the administration / Architect and saw I needed to updated to allow for these objects to connect to each other. Once this was updated and refreshed the ARIS instance, we were then able to do the connections.
Thanks for asking and hope this makes sense.