
Is it possible to stop DNS from resolving to the name of the physical server? The server name cannot be changed and while DNS does point to the ARIS Design Server the url always resolves back to the physical server name. Is there a setting where this can be set>


Thank you


by SIM SAT Author
Posted on Wed, 11/19/2014 - 04:39

I've tried changing the name of the server - directing a browser to this new server name (/umc for instance) connects to the ARIS server and resolves back to the old server name so it seems it must be being stored somewhere.

Any help or hints appreciated

by SIM SAT Author
Posted on Thu, 11/20/2014 - 03:03




Edit the httpd.conf file in the section where it has the rewrite options. The original server name is initially stored in those two lines, basically replace it with your DNS entry on both lines

Do the same for


for the https version

You can then have a DNS entry for your ARIS Server and the url won't switch back to the original servername.domain.etc

by Jiri Mares
Posted on Thu, 11/20/2014 - 20:27

As Rune Becker wrote in some other thread, there is no need to dig in config files, because from 9.6 it can be changed directly in administration tab, which is more user friendly at least.

by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Thu, 11/20/2014 - 21:11

Thanks Jiri!

Yes, to turn of FQDN in ARIS 9 just start ARIS Cloud Controller and enter these commands (adjust your sizing parameter _s/_m/_l):

stop loadbalancer_s

reconfigure loadbalancer_s +HTTPD.RewriteEngine=off

start loadbalancer_s

This stops loadbalancer, turns of RewriteEngine (changes the httpd.conf file) and starts loadbalancer again.

After that your client's wil keep working with whatever servername, alias, IP address etc. got them to connect to the ARIS server.



by SIM SAT Author
Posted on Fri, 11/21/2014 - 02:54

Thanks for that Rune.

I did look through the forums and manual with no joy and after a few days with no suggestions it seemed not such an easy request so I really had no choice but to dig around. At least I've learnt a bit about what goes on underneath.

I'll implement the simpler solution of just turning off the rewrite engine now!

Incidentally, is there a reason it's on by default? I'm just wondering if there are unforeseen implications


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