Would like to know what symbol in Aris Express shall i use for a decision box
Would like to know what symbol in Aris Express shall i use for a decision box
this depends on the model type you are using.
If you just want to model a flow chart (which I assume because you mentioned the "decision box"), you can do this simply by creating an "general diagram".
If you want to create a business model, you need to use the "rule" symbols, in case of BPMN you need to use the gateway symbol.
For business processes and BPMN, Express comes with demo models. Have a look there to see how rules or gateways can be modelled.
Hi Stephen,
You may want to look a little bit into the "rules" for modeling in ARIS as well as the BPMN symbols as Frank has suggested in his post. The rules for ARIS become critical to using ARIS correctly and building a high quality process flow. BPMN becomes important when creating an IT view (i.e. for a developer) of your process flow.
Gateways are possible results of an event, and the gateways mainly consist of what they term "XOR," "And," and "Or." Make sure that you understand the meanings to these because choosing the wrong gateway will make the flow read differently. Also, just FYI, the gateway symbols in ARIS Express look slightly different to those in ARIS.
In terms of a general "Yes"/"No" decision box, you wouldn't necessarily do it this way in ARIS. Depending on the type of model you select, for example an EPC, you will more than likely represent all possible scenarios within the flow, then aligning each possible occurence to its resulting consequence(s).
Finally, you should be able to easily find the BPMN notation on the web at: http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/2.0/
Good luck and hope this helps!