This will likely end up at SAG support, but trying here first.

Context: ARIS 10 SP7. Same behavior in ARIS Connect and in Architect

I run the stock Output Object Information in a Table report with all relations and attributes for export. It has worked wonders for a long time.

For unknown reason, I only get a fraction of the related objects into the generated Excel-file. At the same time, all the data is correctly in the database. Thus I have reason to believe that some content of some attribute, or formatting, of one of the objects that is to be exported messes things up.

Example: Is there special character, such as <*'  or similar, that can make the Excel generation stop?

Example: Is there any formatting of attributes that can make the Excel generation stop?

I get no error messages during report generation. Any advice to hunting down this behaviour is most appreciated.

Details of my scenario: I have a model (lets call it ASC model) with 65 Application System Classes. In other models, these ENCOMPASSES in total about 1300 Application System Types.

When I  use Output Object Information (table) on the ASC model, I get a correct list of Application System Classes, as well as a correct list (Excel sheet) of Encompasses. HOWEVER: The Excel sheet Application System Type only contains 33 Application System Types (when it should have been 1300).

Any advice is helpful. Never seen this behavior before.

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