Hello ARIS Community

We are using ARIS Business Designer, ARIS Business Architect, ARIS Business Publisher.

Recently, we had an issue with the export to ARIS Business Publisher and restarted the ARIS Server (which did not resolve the issue) and then recreated the Publisher export

As a result of creating a new Publisher export all external links to ARIS BP Models now do not work and have to be remapped as the GUID has changed.

This will also be an issue when upgrading.

Have other clients faced this issue and been able to overcome it?

This will become a major issue as usage of ARIS Business Publisher increases eg. links to models from Business Requirements, Training material etc 

by Anandh P
Posted on Thu, 12/24/2009 - 06:00


Did you try to upgrade the Version of the ARIS, if yes you should upgrage the all product into same version.Otherwise it will give the problem.


Anandh P


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