Can anyone pls assist me in understanding how business models developed in Aris can be transferred to the IBM-Filenet BPM system for processing? Since Visio is used as an adhoc way of generating workflows in the Filenet system, can Aris be used in a similar way with Filenet? Reason for asking this question is that the client is already a Filenet BPM client but wants to add Aris to co-exist. Thanks.  

by Paulo Lima
Posted on Tue, 11/09/2010 - 16:03

Hi all.

I have the same doubt. Being more specific: (if possible) which is the recommended ARIS tool for modeling processes for later on being exported to FileNet - if I'm right there are at least two possibilities (please understand I'm just starting with ARIS :):

- the BPMN module

- the  Designer module

Thanks in advance for any help.

Regards, Paulo


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