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Hi there,

We are running a script via the scriptrunner but it stopped before it has finished the job. The output (excel) got generated halfway and still as good as where it stopped. If I run the script interactively via the Scripts module, it is fine - I got a complete output.

What would be the reason causing such a problem?



by Amol Patil
Posted on Thu, 03/15/2012 - 08:08

Hi Sam,

Have you used Dialogs in the script? If yes, it will fail.


Amol Patil

by Abhijit Das
Posted on Thu, 03/15/2012 - 13:39


I assume there is no dialog as mentioned by Amol. However if it is running and is generating excel than definitely I hope there is no dialog. What the script is actually doing. One option to put try catch in the code to see if it is hitting any runtime error. Check also if is working on any lock objects. However you need to provide us more detail to give you any proper feedback.


Abhijit Das

by Sam Nguyen Author
Posted on Fri, 03/16/2012 - 10:01

Thanks guys,

No there is no dialog in this script. In the scriptrunner config file, I actually used a different key, which can only access to a limit number of models. That's explained - there was nothing wrong with the ARIS script.




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