I am playing with the standard report Output Model Information. In the report output, I would like to remove the number before the headings as seen below and keep the heading format so that it can be navigated from the table of content.
Has anyone done this before? Any feedback is much appreciated.
----------------CODE SAMPLE------------------
Code defining the headings:
... ooutfile.value.DefineF("REPORT_HD1", getString("TEXT21"), 14, Constants.C_BLACK, Constants.C_TRANSPARENT, Constants.FMT_LEFT | Constants.FMT_BOLD | Constants.FMT_TOCENTRY0, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0, 1); ooutfile.value.DefineF("REPORT_HD2", getString("TEXT21"), 12, Constants.C_BLACK, Constants.C_TRANSPARENT, Constants.FMT_LEFT | Constants.FMT_BOLD | Constants.FMT_TOCENTRY1, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0, 1); ...
Code generating the headings:
... ooutfile.value.OutputLnF(ocurrentmodel.Name(nloc),"REPORT_HD1"); ... ooutfile.value.OutputLnF(ocurrentobjdef.Type() + ": " + sobjname,"REPORT_HD2"); ...
I have a different though related question.
I want the uatonumbering to be part of the heading but only show Header 1 and Header 2 in the Table of contents. I know Aris 7.2.3 SR03 has a command that one can use to indicate the total levels to show in the TOC (seems to be not working in this SR03 though) but how can I achieve this in earlier releases of Aris 7.2?