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I am trying to generate a process support map from a EPC. Although several applications are related with the functions and the organizational units with "can be user" relationship, I could not manage to see the related applications in process support units. I have also tried to run macros on the empty process supprot units to show the applications, I could not manage. Can you please help me to deal with this problem?


by Ivo Velitchkov
Posted on Sat, 06/27/2009 - 12:02



I have the same problem. Actually the wisard asks for Org chart while I would expect it should suggest all org units that have occurance copies in the EPC. I have similar problem regardless of the way I generate a PSM. The selection of processes is OK but when I choose org. chart I get different results from 0 (most often) to several org. units included on an org. chart that contains over 20. When the same units are added later manually on the PSM, it works OK.

So I am curious to learn about the experience of other PSM users and suggestions from technical people from IDS Scheer that are part of this community. May be this discussion should be moved to ARIS support group.






by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Mon, 06/29/2009 - 13:09

Hi Süleyman,

I'm using the latest version of ARIS Business Architect 7.1 and I'm logged in to my database with filter "Entire Method". I created the following EPC:

If I now select "Generate model..." from the right click context menu, I get to the model generation wizard. In the second step of this wizard, I select "Process Support Map" as target model type. All other settings remain unchanged and I press finish. The following diagram is generated:

This looks fine to me.

What exact version are you using? Can you create the Process Support Map manually, i.e. do you have a properly configured filter?



by Süleyman ISSIZ Author
Posted on Wed, 07/15/2009 - 10:08

Dear Sebastian,

Thank you for your answer. I am using ARIS IT Architect 7.1.

I can generate the model above but I was wondering the usage of Process Support Units. I could not manage to see the applications in process support units.

It will be really helpful if you have any example.



by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Thu, 07/16/2009 - 10:11

Dear Süleymann,

you have to take a look at the connection types visualised in a process support map and compare to the connection types used in EPC. Only, if a connection type is supported in both diagrams, it will be considered while generating the map based on what is shown in the EPC. The map will not contain any new objects, just visualise the relationship between existing objects and their connections.

In case of process support units, it might be best to take a look at the access diagram. There, you can model that a process support unit supports a function and by transforming this diagram into a map, you will be able to see this connection.




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