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to improve Process Model Governance I would like to know more about the semantics of values linked to Attributes "Model Status" and "RCM State". In my opinion I need to combine both attributes to cover a process model Lifecycle. Can anyone tell where one can find information about these Process Model Attributes?

In our ARIS implementation we consider 3 major stages for process models: Run, Change and Archived.

a process Model that reflects the way the organization is supposed to work here and now should be in RUN stage. The RUN folder should only contain models that are in that state. Maybe this corresponds to the RCM State "in use".

Since Archived Models are stored in a separate ARIS DB "Archived" it might also be interesting to add (one day) to the RUN Stage a second status, e.g. "to be archived" to facilitate an automated transfer.

This leaves the "Change" Stage to be the one with the most divers states :

  • one for the model we are working on (a "to be" if RUN already exists or an "as is" if the process is modeled for the first time) --> "in process" would be a good match
  • one for a model that needs to be reviewed by peers/architects/business?
  • two for a model that was reviewed by peers/architects/business? ("rejected"/"accepted")
  • one for a model that was validated by the process owner. "validated" would mean the same as "to be implemented" if it's about a to be design
  • (maybe) one to state that implementation is finalied, but I guess it would equal RUN state.

I searched the Help file to find out more about status semantics but couldn't find anything. I would appreciate your help.

I use ARIS v7.0 and I have Business Designer License


by Samuël Sourdeau Author
Posted on Tue, 08/02/2011 - 15:37

I guess Print Screens might help to clarify the semantics I am looking for




by ravi kiran
Posted on Fri, 08/05/2011 - 11:33

hi samuel

how we can exhicute under model please could u give me some

suggessions how to create



by Jens Heylmann
Posted on Mon, 08/08/2011 - 18:42

Hi Samuel.

A model attribute "Status"  can be used for governance or lifecycle indications. 

Governance for example indicates values a model will have during the governance process e.g. "in review", "rejected" or "released".

However, the lifecycle status attribute can tell you in which state of life the model is. Is it currenty "in use" / "published" or is it still "in development"  or "in change". Or is it "deleted" and "archived".

What I try to say is, that you can have (like in your post) two status attributes which are indicates different things. For example "RCM Modelstatus" which indicates the current state in the governance process and "Status" which indicates the current state in process lifecycle.



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