I am trying to create a report within ARIS that will create a list of objects sorted by the value of a particular attibute. For example, I have an attribute that has 3 possible values, I'd like to use those values as section headers, and then list out the objects that have the same value for that attribute. For example, if I have an attribute Color, and object type Car, my ideal report would look like this:
Color: Blue
Ford Taurus
Honda Civic
Color: Red
Dodge Neon
Honda Accord
I'm new to ARIS and the report tool isn't terrible intuitive. Has anyone had success creating this sort of report?
Nope, I don't think this is possible in this exact way.
As far as I know, you can't combine/gather objects based on the value of a specific attribute.
You can sort the result set of a query to list your data in the required order, based on every attribute (and output it in a table for instance)
But you can't filter a result set with a given attribute value either (e.g. Last user = STAPLEY)
There are some tricks/workarounds when working with Report Designer, but some reports can only be made with scripting (which I try to avoid as well)