The upcoming ARIS Business Performance Edition release will also ship a new version of ARIS SOA Architect. The product was extended heavily compared to the previous version. The old version included many features to design and implement executable business processes. The most important feature of the old version is the automated EPC to BPEL transformation generating an executable process out of a business process. Those features are of course preserved and extended in the new version, but there is much more to discover!

The old version of ARIS SOA Architect mostly addressed a technical oriented user base. Focusing on this user base was important, because at that time SOA was mostly discussed as a technological topic for enterprise application integration. Topics like Web Services (WSDL), Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and BPEL orchestration engines were and are still hot topics. However, in the meantime the market has matured and companies start to understand that SOA can only deliver the promised benefits of increased flexibility and efficiency, if it is not handled as a purely technological problem. Instead, a business-driven approach to SOA is needed!

The new ARIS SOA Architect version focuses on business-driven SOA with some very distinct features. For example, the ARIS method was extended to provide support for business services as well as software services. The ARIS SOA method is structured in three layers to clearly distinguish the different concepts. This helps to clearly communicate the different purposes of a SOA. The ARIS SOA method is tightly integrated with the ARIS IT Architect. IT and Enterprise Architecture Managers can reuse their models to have a good starting point for their SOA. ARIS SOA Architect and ARIS IT Architect use the same object types so that no remodelling is necessary.

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